
Your friend is looking for a cleaner

Dear Jane,

Now that you know about Maideasy, I am sure you know some of your friends who might be looking for a reliable home cleaner as well.

Do you know, for everyone that you refer Maideasy to, you get a RM10 credit in the form of Maideasy Coins. Your friend will also get an introductory RM10 discount for their first booking too.

The best part is, your RM10 Maideasy coin is redeemable to cash if you so wish!

How to refer Maideasy to a friend?

This is the easy part. From within the Maideasy app, you already have a unique link that you can share with your friends. Go to the Account screen and tap on the “Invite Friends” link.

You can then share this link to your friends via WhatsApp or via social media such as Facebook.

The whole referral process is transparent. If you tap on “My Invites”, you can see how many people click your link and how many people sign up using your link.

Go ahead and share. Your friends and colleagues will definitely appreciate it

Maideasy Team